Instagram Ultimate Tips to Boost Your Business

Instagram is one of the most popular social networking site after facebook today .Before sometimes facebook aquires to instagram now facebook is saying or pushing to people to use instagram because this is very growing platform for marketing your business .In nowadays, instagrammers have frequently purchased products and services from the brands they follow. they also follow brands to keep in touch with the latest products.  So here is everything that you need to know.

What is instagram marketing :

Instagram marketing is the way that brands use Instagram to connect with their target audiences and market their offerings .As far as social media marketing channels go, Instagram has been a major power player for a while. And that’s particularly true for ecommerce businesses who get access to a visual-focused platform with enthusiastic followers and high engagement.

You need to also have these elements:

  • Clear vision and strategy
  • Consistent frequency
  • Familiarity with your audience
  • Clear visual style

When you combine together these ingredients, Instagram can deliver huge results for your business.

Key Ingredients in content that works:

  • Inspiring
  • Informative/Educative
  • Entertaining
  • Trigger emotions- people should connect/relate their problems and who gets solution through our content (what they are facing)

Only create content that would either get users to SHARE it, TAG their friends in it  or COMMENT on it.

Only when you do all of that is when you will create content where your engagement is good.

Video Tips & Best practices:

  • Choose an engagement thumbnail
  • Keep the intro crisp – Capture attention in the first 2to 3 seconds
  • Ensure your video is engaging even when played on mute
  • If your video requires sound , tell viewers to un mute in the beginning of the video


Instagram advertisement:

You can use for instagram advertising :

Advertisement types on intsagram:

  • Stories Ads
  • Photo Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Carousel Ads
  • Collection Ads
  • Ads in explore



Why use instagram for marketing:

  • 800 million+ instagram accounts active every month.
  • 500 million+ instagram accounts active every day.
  • 80% of account follow a business on instagram.
  • 300 million+ accounts use instagram stories every day.
  • Number of photos shared to date : 40 billion.
  • Number of instagram likes per day: 4.3 billion.
  • Posts that includes at least one hashtag get more engagement.

For marketing point of view, At least 30% of Instagram users have purchased products they discovered on Instagram. At least 30% of Instagram users have purchased products they discovered on Instagram.

However established your company is, you have a lot of work to do as you build your brand on a platform that continues to evolve. Here are five tips that will help you make the most of your Instagram marketing efforts…

  • Boosting Brand Visibility
  • Better engagement
  • Visual marketing
  • SEO


Automation tool for instagram marketing:

Automation tool is a process where technology is used to automate several repetitive tasks that are undertaken on a regular basis in a marketing campaign.

Best automation tools are:

  • Hootsuite
  • Co-Schedule
  • Agora Plus
  • Buffer
  • Sprout Social

How to overcome Instagram marketing challenges:

Firstly, whatever you are creating content that is interesting, informative and shareable.

  1. To create interesting content you need to know your audiences .you have to understand that not only what they find any interesting but how they connect with you the future.
  2. For people truly involved help them become informed. particularly informative content you need to understand what is they don’t know and that point you can help them learn , Improve and progress in way to meaningful for them. Finally to create shareable content and you need to know motive and emotions of audiences what do they want to see.
  3. To develop social media that’s interesting , informative and sharable , you need to know your market, understand what they need to learn and find out what motivates them.